One thing we know is that students learn (and test) better when they aren\’t hungry. Another thing we know is that we have hungry children right here in Johnson County. JC-FFF wants that hunger to go away – on test days and ideally, everyday. That\’s why we\’re committed to providing nourishing food to Johnson County children, during WY-TOPP testing and every week through food bags and school pantires. Visit to read our mission statement and for information on how to request a food bag, volunteer or make a donation.
Recent Posts
- Johnson County Friends Feeding Friends Receives $8,000 Grant from the Powder River Energy Foundation and Basin Electric for the bread for bags project.
- Join the Fun and Fill Some Bags! Volunteer with JC-FFF this Back-to-School Season
- Johnson County Friends Feeding Friends\’ Ambitious Food Van Project in full force!
- Friends Feeding Friends Celebrates a Successful First Year with WyoGives
- Thank You Wyoming!
- WYO Gives – 7 Hours Left