The Clover Colts 4-H Club came to help fill bags this week. What a fun crew!
Here is a little fun history about 4-H. The organization was initially called the \”Cornell Cooperative Extension\” and was created by A.B. Graham, a school principal in Ohio. In 1902, the organization was renamed the \”4-H Club\” after the four H\’s in its motto: \”head, heart, hands, and health.\” These four H\’s represent the holistic approach to youth development that the organization emphasizes.
Over the years, 4-H has expanded its programming to include a wide range of topics, including science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), civic engagement, leadership, and healthy living. Today, 4-H is active in every state in the US and in over 80 countries around the world, reaching millions of youth each year.
The organization continues to be a leader in youth development, providing opportunities for young people to learn new skills, develop leadership abilities, and contribute to their communities.
We love our 4-H volunteers! Thanks Clover Colts!