The last, and most improtant, step to this whole process is getting the food into the children\’s hands and tummies! Key people who make this happen include:
Absaroka Head Start in Buffalo – Julie Kaufman and staff
Kaycee Elementary – Rosemary McGivney and past helpers Kyla Christensen & Dana George (stay tuned for this upcoming year\’s helpers)
New West High School – Myra Camino, Tara Hall and Mike Hanson
Meadowlark Elementary – Kathy Zorbas (pictured here), Lisa Stine, Laurie Graves and Anna Merritt and Jen Strong
Cloud Peak Elmentary – Heather Haas, Sherry Zurcher, Craig Anderson, Brandee Myers and Lisa Peterson
Clear Creek Middle School – Jen Skaggs and Sharon Iverson
Buffalo High School – Michelle Dahlberg, Madonna Esponda, Bev Boden, Chris Houseman, Becca Redden and Ellie Jawors
Thank you to all those mentioned and forgotten – we appreicate everyone of you!