Category: News

  • Getting the kids involved!

    Getting the kids involved!

    We love it when JCHC brings their kids to help!  Giving kids the opportunity to volunteer and give back to their community is an important and valuable learning experience for our youth. Thanks for all of your help JCHC Wellness!!!

  • Longmire Foundation Awards JC-FFF Generous Donation

    Longmire Foundation Awards JC-FFF Generous Donation

    The JC-FFF family is beyond grateful to the Longmire Foundation for their $10,000 gift to help us feed children right here in Johnson County.  This generous gift couldn\’t have come at a better time.  We have so many exciting things happening. Along with our weekly food bags, our pantries at Kaycee Schools, Clear Creek Middle…

  • Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Mini Food Pantry Project was a success.

    Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Mini Food Pantry Project was a success.

    Johnson County Friends Feeding Friends and Bread of Life Food Pantry joined forces to help fight hunger in Johnson County by creating the Mini Food Pantry Project. A lot of collaboration went into this project.  We are grateful to the Buffalo Bulletin for donating their old newspaper boxes, to be used as our mini pantries. …

  • Johnson County Health Care Center pitches in.

    Johnson County Health Care Center pitches in.

    Our friends from Johnson County Health Care Center fought the frigid snow and wind to come help us fill bags this week!  Even in a blizzard our community members show up in support to make sure no kids go hungry in our County.   Hats off to you Kristina and Ayva Duarte!  You deserve an extra…

  • Buffalo Christian Academy is happy to help!

    Buffalo Christian Academy is happy to help!

    We have had the pleasure of working with the Buffalo Christian Academy on several occasions now.  Not only have they volunteered to help unload the Food Truck monthly, but they were the first to say yes, when I needed an impromptu bag filling day.  These kids are amazing.  They make my work at JC-FFF a…

  • Giving Tuesday

    Giving Tuesday

    Giving Tuesday is a movement that unleashes the power of radical generosity around the world.  Radical generosity is defined as the concept that the suffering of others should be as intolerable to us as our own suffering. Giving Tuesday reimagines a world built upon humanity and generosity.  The Tuesday after Thanksgiving is chosen as #GivingTuesday around the…