Category: News
TOPS/BETA Group give their time monthly to Friends Feeding Friends
We truly are a blessed organization. TOPS/BETA is another group, who gives their time monthly to Friends Feeding Friends. They do a fantastic job. They show up and create a plan of filling bags that works for their group. One of my favorite parts about watching our volunteer groups is seeing how each group comes…
JCHC Wellness shows up monthly to help JC-FFF.
Johnson County Health Care Wellness group, is one of our volunteer groups that give their time to pack bags every month. No matter how big the group, or how small, they always show up with a smile and rare happy to help. We appreciate you JCHC Wellness!
Buffalo Christian Academy – You Rock!
Every month we get a truck load of food delivered from the Wyoming Food Bank. It\’s always a bit of a chore to get it all into our packing facility at the Cotant Family Dentistry building and put away. This month though, these strong and kind students from Buffalo Christian Academy made it go so…
Compass Center for Families Still Partnering with JC-FFF
We\’ve become friends and partners in feeding Johnson County children. Thank you Compass Center for Families of Buffalo for another great packing session and for offering up bags in your office lobby. You all are simply the best!
Thank you KL&A Engineers and Builders
What a fun group (and substantially larger than last time)! Thank you KL&A for showing up and packing like pros. We love having you as partners in fighting food insecurity in Johnson County.
ANB Bank, we appreciate you!
ANB Bank is another awesome local business that volunteers on a monthly basis to pack our weekend food bags. We couldn\’t do it without you and we love the humor, fun and hard work you bring to each packing session. See you in November!