Category: News
ANB Bank Packs Again – We love this team!
Thanks again to the ANB Bank for packing our weekend food bags this past week! As always, we appreciate you and your giving hearts.
The Picture of Dedication – Our \’TOPS\’ Packing Team
Here at Johnson County Friends Feeding Friends, we count on our TOPS packing team every month. They get the job done with efficiency and love. We can\’t say thank you enough!
Hand Therapy & Physical Therapy of Wyoming/Buffalo – Thanks for packing with us!
Better late than never?? These fine folks from the Buffalo office of Hand Therapy and Physical Therapy of Wyoming helped us pack our weekend food bags at the beginning of December. How could we forget to thank you? Please forgive us and come pack again soon!
Once again, TOPS ladies give back to the community!
This group of ladies. They were instrumental in our early packing and delivery efforts here at JC-FFF and they continue to be so 3+ years later. Thank you for your dedication TOPS!
Thanks to Johnson County Democrats and Friends!
We packed early this week so we could get the food bags out to kids before Thanksgiving break. Thanks JC Dems for your flexibility and hard work. Hope you pack with us again!
Thank you ANB Bank!
Thank you ANB Bank for packing this week\’s weekend food bags. We love our community helpers!