Category: News

  • Thank You ANB Bank!

    Thank You ANB Bank!

    This week we give a shout out to ANB Bank!  Our program is blessed, our ANB Bank Volunteers come once a month.  They come in ready to help and already know the ropes!  They also take the time to break down our boxes and take them to the recycle bin! We appreciate your dedication to…

  • Thank you JCHC Wellness crew!

    Thank you JCHC Wellness crew!

    Johnson County Healthcare Center shows up monthly to help Friends Feeding Friends fill bags on Wednesdays.  This week we had a great group of doctors and nurses and two adorable little girls!  One loves chocolate milk!  We at Friends Feeding Friends always make sure to send home fun snacks and chocolate milk to all of…

  • Thank you Wyoming Community Foundation!

    Thank you Wyoming Community Foundation!

    Johnson County Friends Feeding Friends wants to give a big shout out to the Wyoming Community Foundation!  Not only have they been a major support to our foundation, but they grant millions of dollars to nonprofits all across the state of Wyoming.  Each year we are blessed by their generosity.  We wouldn\’t be where we…

  • Mini-Food Pantry at Cimarron Mall

    Mini-Food Pantry at Cimarron Mall

    We would love to thank those at the Cimarron Mall for volunteering to be a location for one of our mini-pantry boxes.  Together with the Bread of Life Food Pantry, we are making sure no one goes hungry in Johnson County.  These mini-pantries are available to any person in need.  Many people in America are…

  • Hats off to TOPS/BETA!

    Hats off to TOPS/BETA!

    A big thank you to the TOPS/BETA group.  They show up every month to help us fill bags on Wednesday nights.  They have been volunteering for FFF monthly, and have become a group that FFF can really count on.  Not to mention they bring their adorable grandkids to help too!  Thanks TOPS/BETA for your continual…

  • Compass Center for Families supports FFF.

    Compass Center for Families supports FFF.

    Compass Center for Families has been a big help to Friends Feeding Friends, signing up monthly to help fill bags on Wednesdays.  This group of ladies is always so much fun!  Thank you Compass! Also, if you or someone you know if in need of food, Compass has a mini-food pantry available 24/7 to anyone…