Category: Organizational

  • 2018 September 11th Minutes (Adoption of Bylaws)

    JCFFF Advisory Board Meeting September 11, 2018 at 5:00pm- Meadowlark Elementary Present:  Sallie Wright, Heather Haas, Krista Dunn, Greg Haas Resolutions:  Krista Dunn moved that we adoption the JCFFF Bylaws as written.  Sallie Wright seconded the motion. Outcomes:  Motion passed with all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 5:25 pm.  

  • 2018 Minutes (Prior to Formal Organization of JCFFF)

    JCFFF Advisory Board Meeting – August 28, 2018 at 4:30pm- CPES Present:  Sallie Wright, Heather Haas, Sharon Miller, Becky Cotant, Yoland Graslie, Krista Dunn, Greg Haas Discussion: Organization Business 501(c)3 Bylaws – incorporators will meet Tuesday, September 11th at 5:00? Create board (how many)  – next meeting Election of officers – next meeting Program Coordinator –…

  • IRS Tax Exemption Status

    IRS Tax Exemption Status

    We received notification that our application for Tax Exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the US Tax Code was accepted. Here\’s a JPG of the letter and you can also download the two page PDF if you\’d like.

  • Registered in Wyoming

    Registered in Wyoming

    Two bits of news. We are registered as a non-profit business with the state of Wyoming. And we have a website! Hopefully this will be a place to find useful information about the organization.