The last, and most improtant, step to this whole process is getting the food into the children\’s hands and tummies! Key people who make this happen include: Absaroka Head Start in…
The last Wednesday of every month, JC-FFF gets our large food order from the ever generous and partner in fighting food insercurity, Wyoming Food Bank. They leave pallets full of food…
So this whole process of getting weekend food bags to Johnson County kids starts with having the food on hand to pack the bags. JC-FFF co-founder and advisory board treasurer, Becky…
During the school year, JC-FFF tries to acknowledge every week our wonderful volunteer packing teams. We so appreciate the time and effort it takes to pack the weekend food bags. Yet,…
We love our community partnerships! This summer JC-FFF is working with the Bread of Life Food Pantry to make sure children who attend the Boys and Girls Club have healthy summer…